Tuesday, July 20, 2010

IMPORTANT MESSAGE to Burgh Bees Members

Since there appear to be some glitches in getting a recent email out to all those interested, we are reprinting the message and 2 attachments, in their entirety, below. Anyone interested in participating, regardless of how late you may have received notice, is strongly urged to speak up – and please plan to attend the upcoming meetings. Thanks!

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Joseph Zgurzynski"
Date: July 18, 2010 10:46:53 PM EDT
Subject: Burgh Bees Bylaws and Officers

Calling all Burgh Bees!
Burgh Bees is going to make the leap to become an organized beekeeping club on July 29th at 7:00 pm at the Allegheny County Extension Office in Homewood on the 3rd floor of 400 North Lexington Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15208-2521 (check in at the security office).

The purpose of this meeting is to adopt bylaws and elect officers. Draft Bylaws are attached to this email. Please email any suggested changes to BurghBees@gmail.com for consideration as part of the adoption process.

Nomination Process
Until now Burgh Bees has been run by a core group of very passionate beekeepers acting as the directors of Burgh Bees. Now seems to be the right time to organize the membership. All of the current Directors are seeking new roles in the organization. We are accepting nominations for the following positions: the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, and four Directors. The webmaster will be appointed by the incoming president. Self nomination encouraged! Of the current directors the following are nominated for leadership positions in the new framework of the organization:

Treasurer - Michael Masiuk
Director, Three Year Term – Joe Zgurzynski
Director, Two Year Term – Steve Repasky

Clearly we need more nominations! Please email nominations to BurghBees@gmail.com. Candidates should provide a brief statement. A list of candidates, with a brief statement from each candidate, will be emailed to the membership on July 22nd. There will be an opportunity to meet the candidates at the regular beekeepers meet up on July 27th at 7:00 pm at the Carson City Saloon on the Southside at 1401 East Carson Street Pittsburgh, PA. Nominations will be accepted right up to the time of voting. Some potential candidates have expressed concern that they are not ‘experienced’ beekeepers. Beekeeping experience is not a requirement! The only requirements for a leadership position are a passion for beekeeping and a willingness to lead the membership.

In order to vote you must be a dues paying member of Burgh Bees. A membership form is attached to this email. Annual dues of $10 may be paid at the meeting or ahead of time by mail. In order to have a viable organization our goal is to have at least 100 dues paying members. Currently we are far short of that goal.
If you have any questions, please contact Joe Zgurzynski of Jennifer Wood of the bylaws and nominations committee by emailing: BurghBees@gmail.com

Burgh Bees is an all volunteer organization working in partnership with Penn State Cooperative Extension “To educate beekeepers and promote beekeeping as a vital part of sustainable agriculture in Pittsburgh and its suburbs.”



These Draft Bylaws will be proposed to the membership, after proper notice, at a special meeting to be held on Thursday July 29th 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Allegheny County Extension Office in Homewood on the 3rd floor of 400 North Lexington Street Pittsburgh, PA 15208-2521 (check in at the security office). If these bylaws are adopted in whole or in part with changes as an amendment according to Article XI of this draft, the newly adopted bylaws will replace any preexisting organizational structuring of Burgh Bees. If bylaws are adopted officers will be elected immediately according to the procedures outlined in the newly adopted bylaws. No elections will be held at the November 2010 meeting except to fill vacancies.

The name of the organization shall be Burgh Bees. It shall be a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.

Section 2.1
Burgh Bees is structured as a club exclusively for charitable, scientific and education purposes. The purpose of this corporation is to educate beekeepers and promote beekeeping as a vital part of sustainable agriculture in Pittsburgh and its suburbs. In particular, these activities include educating school children, beekeepers, and the public about honey bees; assisting beekeepers with setting up and managing their apiaries; and doing such fund-raising activities as necessary and proper to acquire the resources to accomplish the above activities.

Section 2.2
To further the above purposes, the Burgh Bees has adopted the following Mission Statement:
“To educate beekeepers and promote beekeeping as a vital part of sustainable agriculture in Pittsburgh and its suburbs.”

Section 2.3
Burgh Bees has established a partnership with the Penn State Cooperative Extension. In recognition of that partnership all official correspondence, documents, signage and the website
will have a statement such as “In Partnership with Penn State Cooperative Extension” and or the Penn State Cooperative Extension logo whenever reasonably possible.

ARTICLE III: Membership List
Section 3.1
The Membership List is a list of the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of the current year’s paid members. Members give the Club permission to list their contact information on the Membership List at the time they pay their dues each year. The Membership List is a Valuable Asset of the Corporation and is to be protected.

Section 3.2
The Membership List will never be provided in any form to any outside group. This includes, but is not limited to, the Pennsylvania Beekeepers Association, Penn State, other bee clubs, bee suppliers, commercial bee magazines, or any other third party.

Section 3.3
The Membership Form enrolls members in the Club, facilitates the payment of dues, and tacitly grants permission to the Burgh Bees to include each person’s contact information in the Membership List.

Section 3.4
The President must approve all requests to contact the Membership List.

Section 3.5
All contacts with the Membership List will be made by the Secretary or other person acting with the approval of the President in the absence of the Secretary.

Section 4.1
The Website www.BurghBees.com is the Proprietary Intellectual Property of the Corporation and most pages of the Website will be protected by copyright where appropriate.

Section 4.2
The Websites are the primary point of communication of the Club with the broader community.

Section 4.5
All actions of the Webmaster in regard to the Websites must be approved by the President.

Section 5.1
Any person who is interested in honey bees or who is a beekeeper may join.

Section 5.2
Membership is on an annual basis, the year running from October first through September thirtieth of the following year.

Section 5.3
Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and are payable on October first of every year. In order to vote on issues before the Club, members must have paid their dues for that year.

Section 5.4
No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its nonprofit purposes.

Section 6.1
The Board of Directors shall establish the day and time of the regular meetings. Notice of the time, location, and program of each meeting shall be sent to all paid members by either email or United States Postal Service at least one week prior to the meeting.

Section 6.2
The Annual Meeting of the Club will be held at the regular November meeting. The purpose of this meeting is the election of Directors and Officers, and presentation of annual reports.

Section 6.3
Fifteen paid members of the Club will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 6.4
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used to resolve any parliamentary questions. The order of business for all meetings shall be the following:
a. Call to order
b. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
c. Reading of the Treasurer’s report
d. Recognition of new members and guests
e. Old business
f. New business
g. At the Annual Meeting, election of new Directors and Officers.
h. Adjournment

Section 7.1
Not more than one person from a family may be an Officer or Director at the same time.

Section 7.2
The Board of Directors shall consist of nine people: the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, and four Directors.
The Executive Officers of the Club shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Webmaster. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected by the members of the Club at the Annual Meeting in November. The Webmaster is appointed by the President.

Section 7.3
The President is elected for a two-year term. The Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected for one year terms. The Webmaster serves at the pleasure of the President.
The terms of the Directors are as follows: One Director shall serve a three year term. One Director shall serve a two year term. Two Directors shall serve a one year term.

Section 7.4
The Officers and Directors are elected by the members of the Club at the Annual Meeting in November.
Any Officer or Director may resign by giving written notice to the President or the Secretary of the Club. Such resignation shall be effective at the time specified in the notice.
Any Officer or Director may be removed from the Board, with or without cause, by a vote of a majority of the Officers and Directors, or by a vote of a majority of the paid Members.
Whenever there is a vacancy on the Board, for whatever reason, the President will appoint a replacement. This person will serve until the next Annual Meeting and Election of Officers, at which time a permanent replacement will be elected by the members.

Section 8.1

The Board of Directors shall direct the business and affairs of the Club, make all rules and regulations governing these activities, and plan the programs for the year.

Section 8.2
The Board of Directors shall meet four times a year in December, March, June, and September. The date and time of these meetings will be set by the Board. Special meetings of the Board may be held at the discretion of the Board.

Section 8.3
A majority of the Board of Directors (five) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. Members of the Board of Directors may vote on issues before the Board in person, by telephone, or in writing by either email or the United States Postal Service.

Section 8.4
No Director, Officer, or member of the Club shall receive any salary or compensation for services rendered to the Club, unless approved by vote of a quorum of the members of the Board at a regular Board meeting.

Section 9.1
The President shall:
a. Preside over all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors.
b. Call special meetings when required.
c. Perform all acts and duties of an executive and presiding officer, including appointing committees.
d. Approve all broadcast emails prior to being sent to all the members by the Secretary.
e. Approve all additions to, changes in, and deletions from the Website proposed by the Webmaster.
f. Appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of two members.
g. Appoint an auditing committee consisting of three members, one of whom is a member of the Board of Directors, to audit the books kept by the Treasurer and report to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
h. Select an Historian to maintain records of Club activities.

Section 9.2
The Vice President shall:
a. Perform all the duties of the President when the President is absent.
b. Assist the Board in implementing programs.

Section 9.3
The Secretary shall:
a. Keep a complete written record of all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors.
b. In cooperation with the Treasurer, maintain a complete list of paid members, their names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
c. All emails to the Roster shall be addressed to the Secretary with blind copies to the Roster.
d. Send the minutes of the regular monthly meetings to the members by either email or the United States Postal Service.
e. Send information to the members after approval from the President.
f. Write letters as requested by the President or Board of Directors.
g. Send all notices required by these Bylaws or requested by the President.
h. In cooperation with the Treasurer, notify members in September of the October 1 dues payment date.

Section 9.4
The Treasurer shall:
a. Assure that the Club is at all times in compliance with the IRS rules for a non-profit corporation, including, but not limited to, maintaining complete financial records and filing annual tax returns.
b. Execute the Corporation Filings with the State of Pennsylvania, as needed, and pay required fees.
c. Keep full and accurate account of all the financial transactions of the Club in books belonging to the Club, and deliver such books to a successor Treasurer.
d. Maintain savings and/or checking accounts in the name of Burgh Bees and receive and disburse funds in these accounts.
e. Sign as Treasurer all checks and other financial transactions of the club.
f. Pay all bills.
g. Keep a record of all property and equipment owned by the Club.
h. In cooperation with the Secretary, maintain a complete list of paid members, their names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
i. In cooperation with the Secretary, notify members during the month of September of the October 1st dues payment date.

Section 9.5
The Webmaster shall:
a. Manage the Website www.BurghBees.com, as well as the club’s social networking accounts.
b. Consult with the President about the design and content of the websites. The President has final authority in all matters relating to the Website.

Section 10.1
Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

Section 11.1
These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Club provided:
a. The proposed Amendment is provided by email to all paid members and in writing to the paid members at the regularly scheduled meeting prior to the meeting at which the proposed Amendment will be voted on.
b. Paid members receive ten days notice of the meeting at which the Amendment will be voted on, and that the proposed Amendment is included in the notice.
c. The proposed Amendment will pass with yes votes from three quarters of the paid members present.


Burgh Bees Pollinator Membership
As a Pollinator You Will Receive:
- Monthly E-Bulletins with all the juicy bee news and local events - Free Admission to Burgh Bees' Open Apiaries - Discounted Admissions to other Burgh Bees events - Infinite Gratitude from the Burgh Bees Community
To become a Pollinator, send a $10 check made out to “Burgh Bees” with this form.
NAME _____________________________________________
ADDRESS __________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER ____________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS ____________________@____________________
Membership in Burgh Bees is $10. Membership in PA State Beekeepers Association is $20. We encourage membership in both groups.
Michael Masiuk
Penn State Cooperative Extension
400 North Lexington Street Pittsburgh, PA 15208-2521

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