Sunday, May 23, 2010


Another great day at the Apiary.

On Sunday Burgh Bees hosted the year's first Open Apiary, from 1 to 3 at the Susquehanna Street site. The event was rained out from its originally scheduled date on Saturday, and given the last minute change in plans and the hot muggy weather on Sunday, we had a surprisingly good turnout of Burgh Bees members, neighbors, and friends. Steve Repasky and Robert Steffes introduced the bee-curious to the complicated art of opening active hives for observation. Veils and gloves were provided, and our guests included some very young - and intrepid - future beekeepers. Take a look:

4 trumpet vines, 8 ilex, 8 hawthorns, 1 Siamese cat - ready to transplant

Newly transplanted trumpet vine ready to take off and over the busway fence

Burgh Bees member Jeff Irwin came out today to transplant donated herbs to the 3 pollinator garden planters

Planter 1 features several varieties of thyme

Planter 2 is the 'pasta planter' - the large sage plant at the center was donated by Viv Shaffer

And Planter 3 will hold the balance of those bee-friendly plants researched, selected, and settled in by Burgh Bees member Anna Kim and our workday volunteers

Sunday's Best - Guests Gearing up for the May 23rd Open Apiary

Burgh Bees' Steve Repasky and Robert Steffes were on hand Sunday to give visitors a bee's eye view of the art of beekeeping

Sunday's Open Apiary was a family affair - on the left - John, Maddie, and Elise Silvestri

And on the right - Meghan and Corinne Olson

Our hosts

Hands-on learning with the Burgh Bees hives

The new sign looks great - and will look even better surrounded by plants (come on out and give us a hand at the next Apiary Workday!)

A few sidebar notes . . .

Burgh Bees members and apiary neighbors Terri Howard and Ron McConnell were on hand to help out and help everyone stay cool with iced down apple cider – our hosts with the most – thanks Terri and Ron.

Taylor Call donated a tray of black-eyed Susans to add to our busway fence planting – G R A C I A S !

John Silvestri offered up some sound strategy suggestions on dealing with less than bee-friendly neighbors, and we are grateful for his input and advice.

Mary Ellen and Mark Meyer stopped by to check out the apiary’s progress since they last worked so hard with us on previous workdays. While we could all see that the seeds planted 2 weeks ago are sprouting, the weeds are sprouting faster – and the thistles are cropping up with a vengeance. Mary Ellen recommended tough gloves and a no-mercy weed-out day – perhaps before the next workday.

Which brings us to “Upcoming Events” – check out the website or send us a line at for details, comments, questions.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, May 25 . . . . . . Burgh Bees Beekeeper Meetup
Saturday May 29 . . . . . . Phipps Talk: Bees & Gardens
Saturday, June 5 . . . . . . United Nations World Environment Day: Pittsburgh 2010 Host City
Sunday, June 13 . . . . .Burgh Bees Volunteer Potluck
Monday, June 21 . . . . . . National Pollinator Week
Thursday, June 24 . . . . . Burgh Bees Screening: Nicotine Bees & Botany of Desire
Saturday, June 26 . . . Burgh Bees Open Apiary
Monday, June 28 . . . . . . BVABA Meeting
Tuesday, June 29 . . . . . . Burgh Bees Beekeeper Meetup
Saturday, July 10 . . . . . .BVABA Out-yard Picnic & Meeting
Fri/Sat, July 23-24 . . . . .PSBA Summer Picnic
Saturday, July 31 . . . . . .Farmers @ Firehouse: Cooking with Honey

Thanks to Christina Neumann, Burgh Bees e-bulletin editor

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